Still time to enroll for LFBI second quarter!

Still time to enroll for LFBI second quarter!

by Registrar @LFBI -
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Hello Students,

We want to remind you that there is still time to enroll for second quarter classes. We have a great lineup for you!

  • Apologetics (Shelby) - a course intended to instruct you in how to prove biblical Christianity and the claims of scripture.
  • Prayer & Worship (Phillips) - a study highlighting the primacy of effective prayer and worship in the life of leaders and the entire church
  • The Biblically Principles Church (Miles) - a leadership course that helps establish a principle-based approach to ministry intended to set your church free to own the work of ministry.
  • World Religion & Cults (Reneau)- an overview of major world religions and dominant cults to help expand your knowledge for the sake of evangelism.

Also, for those of you writing essays, we are beginning to build out more writing resources for our student body. Check out our "Writing Helps" to get tips on how to write a more effective essay.