We are well on our way!

We are well on our way!

by Registrar @LFBI -
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Hello Students,

We just want to reach out and say how excited we are that you have joined us this semester and that you are well on your way to learning the Bible and growing in your faith. Students are often surprised how quickly the assignments can sneak up on them, so we want to provide you with a handful of tips to prepare for success this semester.

1) Make sure you keep a calendar. Don't allow yourself to fall behind on your work by being unaware of when things are due. Put the assignments in your calendar, set reminders and perhaps make incremental goals for yourself (ie. "by _______ date I should have the first three pages of my essay done")

2) Set aside study time each week. Lectures, reading, research, writing and project development - there is always a lot to do. Please take time each week to  work. As a rule of thumb, most of the courses we offer in LFBI require 1.5 to 2 hours of study or outside work per week, per course.

3) Are you accountable? Do you know anyone else in the course you are taking or other people taking LFBI courses this semester? If so, check in with one another each week to encourage each other and challenge each other to get your work done.

4) Make LFBI your devotional time. Some students need to simply learn to offset their devotional time by using your studies in LFBI as a way to spend time with the Lord. Meditate on and pray over the things you are learning and kill two birds with one stone.

If you have questions about your course or the material, remember to reach out to your TA. If you have questions about the content in your course, feel free to reach out to your professors. If you have questions about extra study resources or to get more help with your studies, contact our Student Affairs Dept.

The LFBI staff loves you and we are praying for your growth.